Monday 22 June 2020

Magical Eggs

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A year ago, he found them deep inside a cave that he’d stumbled across in Bulgaria, surrounded by a vast pile of ash from a fire that had long gone out but still gently smoking. To protect them he walked miles away from home just to find somewhere to give them shelter but he didn't think that he could take them to his house until he was slow and hungry and thirsty. One of the eggs gave him energy and that egg disappeared. So he figured out that if he gets out of energy then he knows that the eggs give him energy but he has to get to a place that has water so he summons the eggs back. The man found a place that had water and it was a waterfall. He placed it underneath and they came so he went again but close to home. So he found his tuck shop and had $20 and bought bread and a big water bottle and then he had $11 left so he went home and took care of his eggs until they hatched so he could put them in a pond where he found them.
The next morning, the eggs hatched so he went to the city and found a taxi and said to the taxi driver, "I can give you $11 to take me to Bulgaria, and the taxi driver said, "No, you will dirty my car with your old smelly clothes" so he walked there and when he got there he dropped them off and they were saved. Suddenly some random person said ‘’you want a ride home’’ and he said ‘’sure, thank you’’. When he arrived home, he had a nice warm shower and dress in nice clothes because the taxi driver treated him badly but he forgave him and went to sleep. The end The next morning, the eggs hatched so he went to the city and found a taxi and said to the taxi driver, "I can give you $11 to take me to Bulgaria, and the taxi driver said, "No, you will dirty my car with your old smelly clothes" so he walked there and when he got there he dropped them off and they were saved. Suddenly some random person said ‘’you want a ride home’’ and he said ‘’sure, thank you’’. When he arrived home, he had a nice warm shower and dress in nice clothes because the taxi driver treated him badly but he forgave him and went to sleep. The end

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