Thursday, 15 October 2020

The Visitor.


This is my writing of The Visitor, we had to write about a moment in time hope you enjoy it.

One day there was a festival and was going to be packed but they never knew what it was. When everyone got there, they had popcorn and coke and all kinds of snacks. After they arrived the announcer said that they had to wait for a few minutes for the visitor to get ready, so the audience was complaining and a kid said “ did we just waste our time for nothing.  One of the adults said “ give our money back” until  when all of the audience turned their back and  they heard big heavy footsteps,then they turned the back slowly like they were in a horror movie and they were all surprised they regretted what they said to the host but the host forgave them. When they looked back they saw this big robot that looked like a transformer staring at them.