Tuesday, 17 March 2020

My writing choice award

Hi My name is Keisomani, this is my writing choice award I have choose what I wanted to write about and inserted a image and this was my image and I made up my sentence. I had to use my sentence in my story and it was I had to hurry otherwise the bridge would fall I hope you enjoy it.

 I was walking along the woods because I was on an adventure. Suddenly I came across this long wobbly bridge. It looked strong but when I walked on it, it wasn't secured because it started to crack. I crept carefully across but quickly at the same time. My body was shaking with fear because some parts of the bridge collapsed and I ran as fast as I ever ran. I tripped half way through because I had to hurry otherwise the bridge would fall. I got back up and started running in case I fall down the steepest cliff. I finally reached the end, YAY! of the bridge. I felt so alarmed of what had taken place and realized when I woke up, it was on a dream.    .
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